How to prevent the Norovirus and other winter viruses

Norovirus is a virus like COVID, RSV, Influenza, and the common cold. Touch or body fluids, such as feces, spread all viruses. They can live in the body for at least two weeks, and you may not have symptoms.
Prevention varies in all viruses but is relatively the same. Again, "good handwashing" is the most important thing.
Wash you hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially;
After using the restroom or changing diapers
Before eating, preparing, or handling food
Before giving yourself or someone else medicine
If you are sick, DO NOT handle or prepare food. Wait at least two days (48 hours) after symptoms stop. This is important if you work in a restaurant, school, daycare, clinic, long-term care facility, or any other place where you may expose people to the virus.
It is important to note that hand sanitizer does not work as well with Noroviruses as it does with other viruses. Noroviruses are also relatively resistant to heat and can survive temperatures as high as 145 degrees. Again, your best prevention against viruses is good handwashing.
Wash all fruits and vegetables well, clean all cooking and eating utensils routinely, and clean all surfaces in the home that all family members routinely touch.
Door knob handles
Refrigerator handles
TV remotes
Simple strategies and knowledge can prevent viruses like flu, COVID-19, Norovirus, and RSV.
-EMHC Public Health
-National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases